“The Signals Network came along and gave me the support and protection I needed to speak out, and I began to live again.”
— Whistleblower Daniel Motaung, featured in Time magazine’s February 2022 cover story
“I’m working on an investigation and one of my sources is worried about their NDA. Can we talk?”
— Anonymous investigative reporter
“Journalists contact us every week because their sources need support. The media cannot provide this legal or safe housing support to whistleblowers for ethical reasons. We can provide it. So help us to do so and sponsor our work.”
— The Signals Network’s Founding Executive Director Delphine Halgand-Mishra
TSN Media Sponsors
- Protect the work of journalists like yours, while strengthening the news ecosystem.
- Contribute to the crucial support journalists like yours and their sources need while avoiding bias and conflict of interest with a specific whistleblower.
- Help TSN help more whistleblowers, a critical ingredient in holding power to account.
Founding sponsors also double their impact through a 100% match by the Knight Foundation.
What are the Sponsor Levels?
TSN Media Sponsors receive a variety of customizable benefits. Please note, being a sponsor does not afford preferential treatment for the media organization or its journalists. All whistleblowers referred to TSN by major international or local news organizations will continue to be heavily vetted through the existing TSN processes.

Becoming a media sponsor of TSN does not guarantee you preferential treatment. TSN’s advice to an individual whistleblower is independent and not affected by sponsorship.
What is The Signals Network?
The Signals Network (TSN) is an international 501(c)3 organization dedicated to supporting whistleblowers who have shared public interest information with the press. Founded in 2017 by journalists, whistleblowers and lawyers, TSN operates internationally to hold powerful interests accountable.
TSN provides customized support to a selected group of whistleblowers who have contributed to published reports of significant wrongdoing. This support may include legal, psychological, physical safety, temporary safe-housing, online safety, career support and communication support.
TSN defines a whistleblower as an individual who has disclosed publicly, or is in the process of disclosing, information about wrongdoing that threatens or harms the public interest. The information is typically information obtained in the context of a work-based relationship in either the public or private sector. The disclosure can be made to the media or a governmental or other regulatory body.
TSN’s Legal Director is a California licensed attorney and communications between TSN and individual whistleblowers are legally privileged. TSN does not request, encourage or counsel potential whistleblowers to act unlawfully. TSN’s advice to an individual whistleblower is independent and TSN will always provide advice that is independent of the journalist or any media sponsorship.
How do you become a TSN Media Sponsor?
Contact John Stewart, TSN Development Manager:
John Stewart, Development Manager