Uber Files whistleblower welcomes European Parliament’s approval of platform work legislation

San Francisco and Brussels – February 2, 2023

Mark MacGann, the whistleblower behind the Uber Files, today welcomed the European Parliament’s approval of the EU Directive on improving conditions in platform work.

“Today the European Parliament has taken an essential step towards defending the rights of tens of millions of platform workers across the European Union. This marks a turning point to reverse years of abuse of Europe’s social protections by some platforms whose sole obsession is to grow their businesses whatever the human cost.”

Uber Files whistleblower Mark MacGann testified to the European Parliament’s Employment and Social Affairs Committee in support of increased platform worker protections on Oct. 25, 2022.

Uber Files whistleblower Mark MacGann testified to the European Parliament’s Employment and Social Affairs Committee in support of increased platform worker protections on Oct. 25, 2022.

MacGann further called on the 27 EU Member States to agree a final version of the legislation in line with Parliament’s strengthening of the European Commission’s initial proposal, and resist pressure from well-financed platform lobbies to dilute key provisions that provide workers with basic social protections, such as the so-called ‘presumption of employment’ clause.

“This European legislation is long overdue. National governments must now agree that the vast majority of platform workers reject the spurious, precarious, fake self-employment status invented by some platforms on the basis of dishonest, self-serving and biased research.

Today’s vote by the European Parliament is also a victory for those who reject the false premise that economic growth in the European Union requires allowing business to erode the hard-won social protections that are a feature of Europe’s labour market. Successful enterprise and human decency is not a zero-sum game.”

Since being revealed as the source of the Uber Files, MacGann has become a staunch advocate for platform workers’ rights. In October, he testified to the European Parliament as they debated the Directive designed to regulate the treatment of platform workers across the European Union. He is expected to testify to the French, Dutch and Brussels parliaments in the coming weeks.

Since blowing the whistle, MacGann has received legal and safety support from The Signals Network, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded by journalists, lawyers, transparency activists and whistleblowers to support and protect those who witness wrongdoing and share public interest information with the press.

For journalist inquiries, email sarah@thesignalsnetwork.org.

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