Whistleblower Protection Fund2024-08-20T09:40:28+02:00

Whistleblower Protection Fund

The Signals Network established the Whistleblower Protection Fund (WPF) to provide whistleblowers with a lifeline of support necessary to support their whistleblowing and post-whistleblowing journey. Too often, whistleblowers who speak out about wrongdoing in the public interest face financial instability. The WPF exists to help mitigate the costs of whistleblowing.

Who can apply

The WPF is open to any individual who meets the definition of a whistleblower, irrespective of whether TSN is providing direct support to the individual.

TSN defines a whistleblower as an individual who has disclosed publicly, or is in the process of disclosing, information about wrongdoing that threatens or harms the public interest. The information is typically information obtained in the context of a work-based relationship in either the public or private sector. The disclosure can be made to the media or a governmental or other regulatory body.

The application can be submitted by a whistleblower or, with their permission, a referring agent such as a journalist or a lawyer.

How to apply

To apply to the WPF, please complete our Application Form and send it to TSN’s Whistleblower Protection Program team. A member of the team will respond to your application in a timely manner at which point you may be required to provide additional information. Please understand that it will take time to process your application.

The Whistleblower Protection Program team, led by the Legal Director, will carry out an initial assessment based on the global, human, financial, and public interest impact of your case. It will then decide whether to progress the application to TSN’s Engagement Committee, with sign-off from the Executive Director. The Engagement Committee, which consists of three members drawn from the Board of Directors and Board of Advisors, reviews the application and acts at its own discretion.

Upon the Engagement Committee’s decision, the Whistleblower Protection Program team will inform you of the outcome and, when applicable, agree with you the most efficient means of sending the funds for the approved use.

The recipients of the funds will also be requested to complete, sign and return the WPF approval form which sets out the conditions of the grant.

“I once was dead inside. To live again, I needed to speak out – but because I had no one in my corner before The Signals Network, I couldn’t, and so I was dying a silent death. One day, just when I thought it was all over for me, The Signals Network came along and gave me the support and protection I needed to speak out, and I began to live again!”

Daniel MotaungDaniel Motaung, Facebook whistleblower

“My truth-telling journey would never have been possible without The Signals Network’s help. They need continued support for the people who come next.”

Anika Collier NavaroliAnika Navaroli, Twitter whistleblower

“In addition to logistical and financial support and its network of media and lawyers, The Signals Network provides me with essential psychological support, without which I would not have had the strength to continue… for all of that: thank you!”

Hugo: Électricité de France nuclear plant whistleblowerHugo, whistleblower who exposed dangerous environmental wrongdoing at one of France biggest nuclear power plants

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