Uber Files whistleblower testifies to French, Dutch lawmakers

Mark MacGann, the whistleblower behind the Uber Files, testified on Thursday to the French Parliament regarding its investigation into Uber’s entry into the French market, the company’s lobbying activities and the consequences of Uber’s operations.

“It’s not just about the rogue methods of Uber — far from it,” he told French lawmakers on Thursday. “It’s about showing citizens an entire systemic failure that allowed Uber to get its way, at the expense of drivers, the taxpayer and democracy itself.”

MacGann, who worked for Uber as a senior executive from 2014-2016, testified about how Uber skirted the law in part through its close relationships with powerful politicians. He urged French lawmakers during the two-hour hearing, which was chronicled in Le Monde, to reform their laws around lobbying.

Earlier in the week, MacGann testified to Dutch lawmakers about the Dutch tax authorities’ unorthodox relationship with Uber. The Uber Files showed that Uber had a privileged, cozy relationship with authorities in the Netherlands, where Uber is internationally headquartered. For example, documents disclosed by MacGann show Dutch authorities provided confidential information to Uber about European discussions of Uber’s tax status.

Mark MacGann (right), the whistleblower behind the Uber Files, testifies to French Parliament alongside The Signals Network Executive Director Delphine Halgand-Mishra on Thursday.

In 2022 MacGann provided more than 124,000 internal Uber documents to The Guardian and International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, detailing Uber’s lobbying tactics and its relationship with drivers.

In October 2022, MacGann testified at the European Parliament in favor of the EU Directive on improving conditions in platform work. He is encouraging all states — including France — to support its passage and implementation.

The Signals Network (TSN) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded by journalists, lawyers, transparency activists and whistleblowers to support and protect those who witness wrongdoing and share public interest information with the press.

TSN represents MacGann and has been supporting him on his whistleblowing journey. TSN works closely with journalists to ensure their sources are protected so the powerful can be held accountable.

For journalist inquiries, contact sarah@thesignalsnetwork.org.

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