Launch of The Tech Worker Handbook

The Tech Worker HandbookThe Signals Network is thrilled to announce the launch of the first of its kind Tech Worker Handbook, and we are especially proud to highlight the Legal section, which The Signals Network created to help potential whistleblowers understand legal implications and considerations when weighing whether to come forward.Coordinated by Pinterest whistleblower Ifeoma Ozoma, the Tech Worker Handbook contributors include The Signals Network, Lioness, Whistleblowing International Network, and Matt Mitchell of the Ford Foundation. The Tech Worker Handbook is an initiative funded by Omidyar Network.

The Tech Worker Handbook seeks to empower any tech employee in the United States – from the warehouse to the C-Suite offices – who has witnessed potential wrongdoing and is considering coming forward with what they know. The goal of this comprehensive guide is to provide critical information to allow for informed decision-making, as well as support potential whistleblowers on every aspect of preparation, from the legal, security, and psychological implications down to the details of organizing their personal finances.

At The Signals Network, we spent months interviewing tech whistleblowers – Pinterest whistleblower Ifeoma Ozoma, Theranos whistleblowers Tyler Shultz and Erika Cheung, Cambridge Analytica whistleblower Chris Wylie, etc – and top lawyers (Tom Devine, Mary Inman, Peter Rukin, Steve Kohn, etc) to put these legal considerations together. We hope this Tech Worker Handbook will empower tech workers to make informed decisions, provide a balanced and concrete overview of the possibilities and pathways, and minimize uncertainty.” – Delphine Halgand, Executive Director, The Signals Network

The revelations shared by the Facebook whistleblower Francis Haugen and the Theranos trial currently underway emphasize the critical impact that tech whistleblowers play in safeguarding our democracy and well-being by coming forward. The Signals Network believes The Tech Worker Handbook is a vital piece of the puzzle in creating real accountability in the tech sector.” – Delphine Halgand, Executive Director, The Signals Network

Deciding what to tell and to whom can be paralyzing, and whistleblowers should not have to navigate these decisions in a vacuum. You need someone you can trust, who can connect you to resources, and who can help navigate through the legal, ethical, and personal issues associated with whistleblowing. I wish The Signals Network existed back in 2014.” – Tyler Shultz, Theranos Whistleblower

The launch of The Tech Worker Handbook marks the launch of The Signals Network’s new Tech Accountability Project in collaboration with Amnesty International. In the coming months, The Signals Network will create and circulate more legal resources in partnership with Amnesty International for tech workers considering blowing the whistle in the United States and in other countries that are key tech hubs.

For more details, contact Communications Manager Sarah Gamard at or Delphine Halgand-Mishra at 202.256.5613 (note ET time zone).

The Signals Network is a 501(c)(3) organization that supports whistleblowers and helps coordinate international media investigations that speak out against corporate misconduct and human rights abuses.

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