Apr 2023: Perugia festival, 1MDB whistleblower’s new book, World Press Freedom Day

World Press Freedom Day

A note from Executive Director Delphine Halgand-Mishra

This Wednesday, May 3 is World Press Freedom Day. Through my life and my career, this day has become more and more important to me. And to be honest, it’s also quite emotional.

This day reminds me of when I was U.S. Director of Reporters without Borders, and I first met Washington Post journalist Jason Rezaian after working for months with his family and the Post to obtain his release from Iran. It also reminds me of American journalist Austin Tice who is still detained in Syria, and Jeffrey Sterling, the first whistleblower I campaigned for to obtain his release. For me, press freedom lives through dozens of amazing reporters and whistleblowers I have worked with and/or supported.

At The Signals Network, we support journalists’ sources who risk their lives to tell the truth and inform the public for the sake of fairness, democracy and a better world. Without ensuring the freedom of whistleblowers to speak out, many stories would never be reported and many powerful institutions might never be held accountable.

Our small team at TSN works tirelessly to help whistleblowers around the world who risk their livelihoods to speak to the press. You can help us fight for democracy across the world and donate today. And as always, thank you for your support.

— Delphine

In case you missed it: TSN, whistleblowers speak at International Journalism Festival

Twitter whistleblower Anika Navaroli, Uber whistleblower Mark MacGann, LuxLeaks whistleblower Antoine Deltour and investigative journalist Frederik Obermaier spoke on a panel moderated by TSN Executive Director Delphine Halgand-Mishra on April 20 at the International Journalism Festival in Perugia, Italy.

The panel was titled “To go public or not go public? Behind a whistleblower’s personal decision process.” It was intended to help the audience of journalists better understand how to work with whistleblowers.

Watch the full panel and read more here.

French public radio profiles TSN

Radio France reports on TSN

France Culture, a major public radio channel of Radio France, featured The Signals Network yesterday, as well as several of the whistleblowers we support. The piece focused on the whistleblower’s decision to go public, the theme of a TSN-hosted panel at the International Journalism Festival.

Read more here. Le récapitulatif est également disponible en français.

1MDB scandal

Family who exposed 1MDB scandal publishes book about whistleblowing journey

Laura Justo and Xavier Justo, the family who blew the whistle on the embezzlement of more than $3.5 billion from a strategic development fund known as 1Malaysia Development Berhad, have published a book about their journey: “Rendezvous with Injustice: How a family survived hell after blowing the whistle on the 1MDB financial scandal.”

The Signals Network has provided support to Xavier Justo. Read more here.

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